Dental Implant Services

What are Dental Implants?

Part of the dental implant services Montana Center for Implants and Dentures provides as a dentist holds an implant.
Dental implants consist of two primary parts: The implant post and the implant restoration. The former replaces the tooth root and provides a stable foundation for your tooth by stimulating your supporting bone tissue to keep it strong and healthy. The latter caps the post to complete your treatment. Depending on how many teeth you are having replaced, the restoration may be a crown, bridge, or a full or partial denture.

Dr. Muir will determine if you're a suitable candidate for implant dentistry during your consultation. We recommend treating any preexisting conditions such as tooth decay or periodontal disease before receiving an implant.

When you receive an implant, the implant post will be surgically inserted into your jawbone. After a period of healing, you will receive your custom-made implant restoration. We will provide you with post-op instructions as well as guidance on the best ways to care for your implant. Implants are designed to be permanent replacements for your teeth, and when properly cared for with good oral hygiene and regular preventive care, they can last for a lifetime.

At our office, we provide a range of implant services, including:

Montana Center for Implants and Dentures, dental team photo

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